Endorsed in 2015
Relevant UN Resolutions
GCPEA Education Under Attack
Other GCPEA Publications
Other Important Information
Memberships in International Regional Organizations
Key Information
Key information about the country.
Member of the Core Group in Geneva
Advocacy Engagements
Engagements with this state or any other relevant information that can support advocacy.
2015: Attended the state consultations on the SSD in Geneva – led by Norway + 2015: Present at the First International Conference on the SSD in Oslo.
August 2016: CAAC Open Debate: “Thirdly, we renewed our political commitment to humanitarian law, being threatened by the involvement of non-State actors in conflicts. In this spirit, Italy joined the Safe Schools Declaration, which supports the Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use during Armed Conflict, promoted by a coalition of countries, United Nations actors and non-governmental organizations.”
February 2017: Zama met with them in New York.
March 2017: Attended Buenos Aires Conference on Safe Schools. Save the Children Italy met with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy to discuss implementation of the SSD. April 2017: Attended post-conference briefing for missions in New York.
September 2017: GCPEA sent a letter to the ambassador in New York asking to raise the issue on attacks and military use, draw attention to the Declaration and the Guidelines during the Open Debate on children and armed conflict. We also asked to encourage Japan and UK to endorse.
October 2017: Italy – together with France, Sweden, and Uruguay – hosted an Arria Formula meeting on attacks on schools in the Security Council on 13 October in New York with the aim of raising awareness of the issue of attacks on education and gauging the interest of the UNSC on this issue. Speakers were SRSG Gamba, Zama on behalf of GCPEA, and Joy Bishara and Lydia Pogu, who were kidnapped from their school by Boko Haram as schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigeria. Joy Bishara’s moving testimony can be seen here, the SRSG’s statement is here, and the entire Arria formula meeting is available here.
January 2018: Italy hosted a meeting in Rome on the topic of explosive weapons, at which they launched a national campaign called ‘Stop Bombing Civilians’. Alessandro Cortese Deputy Director for Political Affairs, Italy MFA, highlighted their endorsement of the Declaration in his remarks. Italy passed a law this year, denoting 1 February as a national holiday for the commemoration of victims of war.
February 2018: During OPAC Turns 18, at the UN in New York, organized by Child Soldiers International, highlighted the Declaration in their statement.
March 2018: During the Clustered Interactive Dialogue with SRSG Gamba, Italy highlighted their support for the Declaration in their national statements.
May 2018: strong statement made referencing the Safe Schools Declaration during the Open Debate on the Protection of Civilians in the Sec. Council Chamber.
June 2018: Zama a met with First Secretary Jessica Cupellini and discussed bilateral outreach to Monaco and San Marino. Italy will try to leverage Security Council relationship with Bolivia & Japan. It was mentioned that Peru had expressed willingness to endorse, but has had trouble coordinating. Italy plans to make statement at CAAC open debate on 9th July. There will be a new ambassador arriving July 3rd, and it is unclear if he will be accredited to come the debate.
July 2018: Duirng the UNSC Open Debate on children and armed conflict, Italy 1) joined Argentina’s joint statement to the UN SC during the open debate on children and armed conflict. 2)Co-sponsored resolution 2427 (2018). 3) Mentioned and welcomed the Safe Schools Declaration during the statement to the SC. 4) Joined the statement of Canada on behalf of the GoF which mentioned the Safe Schools Declaration.
October 2018: Brussels Briefing to EU COHAFA/COHOM:Italy reiterated their commitment to implementation and later approached us to advise that the Guidelines have been incorporated into their military trainings. The delegate also asked for information on how implementation can be enforced, and called for investigations and accountability for attacks.
July 2018: Co-sponsored resolution 2427 (2018)
March 2019: attended GCPEA side-event on “Better Protecting Women and Girls from Attacks on Education” in Geneva.
March 2019: Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the SRSG Ms. Virginia Gamba, HRC Geneva:referred to the issue of attacks on/or and military use of schools. Also joined Norway’s joint statement on the Safe Schools Declaration.
May 2019: Participated in the Third International Conference in Palma.
May 2019: during the UN Security Council Open Debate on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict referred to the Safe Schools Declaration. Strongly condemned all attacks against schools, as well as any military use of educational facilities, and encouraged other states to endorse.
November 2019: Nevena spoke with STC Italy and suggested that we prepare a short concept note to be shared with the Italian MoFA on how they can implement the Declaration and promote it. SC Italy, and has been working with the MoFA and MoD who have indicated their plans to make implementation of the SSD a key priority for the next three years, and have also expressed their strong interest in supporting the next International Safe Schools Conference.
February 2020: GCPEA shared with the Geneva mission the report “It is Very Painful to Talk About”: The Impact of Attacks on Education on Women and Girls” and highlighted the key recommendations which align well with Italy’s focus on women, peace, and security agenda. The Human Rights expert shared the report with capital and New York colleagues, and expressed interest in organizing a side-event in Geneva, jointly with GCPEA, on the issue of protecting women and girls from attacks on education.
May 2020: GCPEA advised Save the Children Italy on how Italy could strengthen implementation of the Safe Schools Declaration and increase international visibility. Italy would like to undertake an internal analysis of how they are implementing the Declaration, including the gaps that exist (such as review of their military doctrine) and to explore ideas about hosting a training on the Declaration for endorsing states.
June 2020: Support for the Safe Schools Declaration was referenced in Italy’s statement to the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment held on 9 – 11 June 2020 in New York.
Oct 2020: GCPEA, HRW, and Save the Children Italy met with the Italian MFA and Defense on the Safe Schools Declaration and the CAAC Agenda. Issues discussed included the Italian Open Pledge at the 33rd International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Conference; the 4th International Conference on SSD, the state-led implementation network; Women peace and security agenda; and implementation of SSD and Guidelines in Italy. Priorities for Italy includes getting more support for the Italian Open Pledge which is a critical tool for promoting the Declaration, a side event at CSW with Gamba and ICC President; female genital mutilation on girls children in conflict; and Accountability GCPEA will support Italy in their engagement with Nigeria in view of the Conference. Italy is particularly interested in engaging on the gendered impact of attacks on education and accountability. On the Implementation of SSD and Guidelines in Italy it was conveyed that in every course for military or civilian personnel there is a part dedicated to humanitarian law and the Guidelines are included. There is discussion on specific modules on the SSD.
December 2021: GCPEA (Yatasha and Nevena) joined a call with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFA), the Ministry of Defence (MoD), Save the Children Italy, the Universities Network for Promoting the Rights of Children in Armed Conflicts, and the Italian Red Cross to discuss developments on the Safe Schools Declaration and future collaboration. The meeting discussed the MED Dialogues follow-up, the forthcoming International Conference and Italy’s support, implementation of the Declaration by the Ministry of Defense, and the Italian ICRC Open Pledge. On the International Conference, Italy has expressed interest in organizing 2 panels – on accountability and the gender aspect of attacks on education. Italy will meet with the Nigerian Ministry of Education on 14 January to discuss further Italy’s contribution to the conference
January 2021: GCPEA (Abiola, Yatasha and Nevena) joined a call with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFA), the Italian Embassy in Abuja, the Ministry of Defence (MoD), Save the Children Italy, the Universities Network for Promoting the Rights of Children in Armed Conflicts. The meeting focused on Italy’s contribution to the fourth International Conference. Italy stands ready to support the Conference and is very interested in the theme of gender and accountability. The MoD will participate in the Conference (modalities to be confirmed) and will present their work on security and their training courses on SSD. The MoD is currently discussing on how to better integrate SSD in the trainings on IHL and would like to collaborate with other countries.
March 2021: Made reference to the SSD during the ID with the SRSG on CAAC.
October 2021: cosponsored UNSRC2601.
December 2021: positive statement at arria formula meeting on protection of education during armed conflict citing SSD. “The protection of children in armed conflicts is an outstanding priority for Italy.” “This year we celebrate the sixth anniversary of the Safe Schools Declaration – a landmark document, which has become a reference point to strengthen the respect of international humanitarian law and the rights of the children. We strongly support this Declaration and we urge all Countries to endorse and fully implement it. Attacks to students and teachers, as well as against schools, in situations of armed conflict, are prohibited under international law. We are also convinced that continued access to schools, especially during conflicts, is a powerful instrument to promote future peace and prevent further wars.” Focus on gender and sexual based violence as well as role of peacekeepers and need for proper training on gender issues.
April 2022: HRC Special session on Ukraine “- Concerned about targeting of civilian infrastructures such as schools and hospitals ”
July 2022: At the UNSC CAAC debate :
– Schools play a life saving role in context of conflict
– Attacks against schools constitute one of the six graves violations
– Breaking the cycle of violence requires first the implementation of the Safe Schools Declaration – Italy restates its support for this framework and calls on all states to endorse and implement it
September 2022 Transforming Education Summit: Italy: “We are also ready to address the call to ensure that schools are not only healthy and hospitable but also places where students can feel safe from violence, bullying and cyberbullying. Places where they can feel free to develop all their potential and health and wellbeing, even during emergencies”
November 2022: Endorsed the Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences Arising from the Use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas (EWIPA) on 18 November during an International Conference hosted by Ireland, the leader and penholder behind the Declaration.
March 2023: ID SRSG CAAC (52 HRC) national statement: – Critical to take steps to protect education, as indicated in the Safe Schools Declaration; we encourage other states to endorse this instrument as well
September 2023: On 29 September, Apolline met with Andrea Lacroce, Second Secretary at the PM in Geneva and the new focal point for the Core Group. I provided him with a full background on GCPEA’s research and advocacy work, the SSD, the Guidelines, the Core Group, etc. He was particularly interested in our research on Ukraine as well as good practice of SSD implementation in the Sahel and other European countries. On 29 September, Apolline met with Andrea Lacroce, Second Secretary at the PM in Geneva and the new focal point for the Core Group. I provided him with a full background on GCPEA’s research and advocacy work, the SSD, the Guidelines, the Core Group, etc. He was particularly interested in our research on Ukraine as well as good practice of SSD implementation in the Sahel and other European countries.
Good Practice
What, if anything, the country has done to protect education and/or implement any of the 8 commitments outlined in the Declaration.
Italy’s National Action Plan on implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security for 2020-24 contains a specific commitment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to promote the Safe Schools Declaration by sharing good practice and using peer advocacy. The plan also envisions stronger collaboration between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Defense Ministry to protect women and girls, including by developing a specific children and armed conflict module in training for military personnel
Not established
Relevant Contacts
Contact information of the representatives of Permanent Missions, national Ministries, and focal points for the State-led Implementation Network.
General Email(s):
Other Contacts:
Cristina Azzarello
Humanitarian Affairs Advisor
General Email(s):
Other Contacts:
Tonon Daniela <>;
Giarrizzo Tommaso <>
Andrea Lacroce
Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN in Geneva
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MFA)
Location: Geneva
Dott. Giovanni Pignatiello Rega
Segretario di Legazione Ufficio Diritti umani, diritto internazionale umanitario e sicurezza umana
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MFA)
Location: Italy
Valentina Valente
Consigliere di Legazione Ufficio Diritti umani, diritto internazionale umanitario e sicurezza umana
Direzione Generale Affari Politici (DGAP)
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MFA)
Location: Italy