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UNICEF, June 30, 2016
UNICEF Press Release on Iraq Crisis: 3.6 million children now at risk from increasing violence

Nearly one in five schools is out of use due to conflict and almost 3.5 million children of school-age are missing out on an education.

Huffington Post / World Post, June 27, 2016
A Makeshift School In Aleppo Offers Safer Education Amid Bombings

ALEPPO, SYRIA – Adnan was in fifth grade when an airstrike destroyed the government-run school he attended in Aleppo city. He survived, but his education was put on hold. It…

Human Rights Watch, June 21, 2016
Germany: HRW Wins Prestigious Theodore Wanner Award

The prize money of €10,000, sponsored by the Klett Group, has been given to a project chosen by Human Rights Watch, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack.

Andalou Agency, June 20, 2016
Zambia: Political supporters blamed for school attack

Learning at Lady Diana, a private school in Lusaka’s Kanyama township, was suspended on Tuesday following an attack on the institution by suspected supporters of the ruling Patriotic Front.

Human Rights Watch, June 8, 2016
School Doors Closed for Millions: Political Will, Resources Needed to Guarantee Right to Education

A growing number of children living in humanitarian crises and long-term conflicts are unable to claim their right to education, with schools either inaccessible or unsafe.

African Union, June 2, 2016
Press Statement from Open Session of the African Union’s Peace and Security Council

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), held its 597th meeting on 10 May 2016, which was dedicated to an open session on the theme: “Children…

Reuters, June 1, 2016
U.N. adds Saudi coalition to blacklist for killing children in Yemen

UNITED NATIONS | BY MICHELLE NICHOLSUnited Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon slammed the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen for killing and maiming children by adding it to an annual blacklist…

Foreign Affairs/Human Rights Watch, May 31, 2016
Schools Under Siege: How Afghan Classrooms Became Bunkers

A true commitment to protecting schools from attacks and preventing their use for military purposes requires political will and action on the ground.

Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, May 27, 2016
PRESS RELEASE | Safe Schools Declaration: 53 Countries and Counting

By joining the Safe Schools Declaration, countries make concrete political commitments to protect students, teachers, and educational facilities during times of armed conflict.

The Telegraph, May 27, 2016
Education under fire: why urgent action is needed

While the movement of people from war-torn countries will inevitably affect the immediate ability of children to continue their education, a “growing number” of attacks on schools is adding to…

Nuba Reports, May 26, 2016
Sudan: Primary School Bombed in Latest String of Civilian Attacks

Civilians, especially children, are routinely targeted in Sudan’s five-year civil war with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North rebels in the South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, killing thousands and displacing…

Joop/Human Rights Watch, May 24, 2016
Netherlands Moves World Toward Safer Wartime Schools

That schools in Europe are under armed attack is shocking. But in fact, as in Ukraine, schools are both used for military purposes and targeted in most of the countries…

Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, May 24, 2016
World Humanitarian Summit: Leila Zerrougui Highlights Protection of Children Affected by Conflict

Girls and boys are paying a very high price in conflict. They are abducted, recruited and used, suffer sexual violence, killed and maimed, and their schools and hospitals are destroyed.

The World Post / Huffington Post, May 24, 2016
Dispatches From the World Humanitarian Summit: Education as a Bridge Between Aid and Development

Investing in education and protecting our schools are the most-effective forms of peacekeeping that exist.

Time, May 23, 2016
Op-Ed by Forest Whitaker and Irina Bokova: Education is the Key to Breaking the Cycle of Violence

Schools should be on the frontlines of peace, not war.

Thomson Reuters Foundation News, May 22, 2016
At the World Humanitarian Summit, we must ensure all children have access to vital education

The impact of conflict, violence and displacement on education in Iraq has been nothing short of devastating

BBC News, May 22, 2016
Emergency £2.7bn warzone education fund launched

An emergency fund to provide education during conflicts and natural disasters has been launched at the World Humanitarian Summit.

Reuters, May 22, 2016
Factbox: Schools under fire in war zones

A new fund which aims to raise more than $3.8 billion for children’s education in war zones and natural disasters has been launched on Monday at the first ever World…

Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, May 20, 2016
SRSG Zerrougui’s Briefing at the Open Session of the African Union Peace and Security Council

Briefing at the Open Session of the African Union Peace and Security Council

Politics Home, May 19, 2016
Four schools or hospitals attacked or occupied every day – Unicef UK

UNICEF UK is calling on the UK Government to sign up to the Safe Schools Declaration, sending a clear message to the world that schools must not be attacked or…