Education Above All (EAA) releases a new study on conflict-sensitive education policy
Education Above All, August 17, 2012
A new study by Morten Sigsgaard has been published by Education Above All (EAA), entitled ‘Conflict-Sensitive Education Policy: a Preliminary Review.’ The study was prepared in consultation with the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Working Group on Education and Fragility, contributing to its on-going work on conflict-sensitivity.
Key recommendations include:
(A) Mobilizing political will and capacity to make education conflict-sensitive. This includes conflict analysis focused on the role of education, and getting high level political support for conflict-sensitive approaches.
(B) Promoting equitable access to all levels of education. Conflict analysis and geographical mapping can show that some ethnic or other groups do not have equitable access to educational opportunity. Equitable access is needed for each level of education.
(C) Making curriculum, teaching and language conflict-sensitive. The content of education must be cleansed of bias and should actively support the building of a peaceful and harmonious society.
(D) Strengthening emergency preparedness including protecting education from attack. Reference is made here to the GCPEA Study on Field-based Programmatic Measures to Protect Education from Attack, as well as education for former child soldiers and other ex-combatants, and the importance of preparedness.
(E) Responding to other key issues identified in the national conflict analysis process, such as the adverse effect of corruption or ‘shadow governance’ on certain social groups, pros and cons of decentralisation, and policies for refugee education.”