Pakistan: We stand with the children and teachers!
Education International, April 2, 2013
The United Nations Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, Education International and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are demanding of the authorities in Pakistan that they enable girls to go to schools which are safe and secure.
In the past eight days two teachers have been assassinated and children have been seriously injured when their schools were attacked by extremists trying to prevent girls’ education.
In a statement, which is also signed by the teachers’ unions and labour federations of Pakistan, the international group urges the people of Pakistan to stand up for girls and their teachers, and to join a growing grassroots movement for girls’ education.
The statement is issued two weeks before a ministerial meeting at the World Bank in Washington when new plans will be discussed to achieve the right to universal primary education of 60 million children who are still without a school today, of which 32 million girls. Particular attention will be given to countries that are not making enough progress, such as Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
The statement also announces the establishment of a Scholarship Fund for Girls Education to commemorate the brave teachers that were killed while defending the right of girls to go to school. The Scholarship Fund will be officially launched in Karachi on 28 April.