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GCPEA Press Release, May 29, 2015
37 Countries Start Process of Protecting Schools and Universities during Conflict

37 countries on May 29, 2015, joined an international Safe Schools Declaration that commits them to protect education from attack.

GCPEA Press Release , May 29, 2015
37 pays entament le processus visant à protéger les écoles et les universités en période de conflit

37 pays ont souscrit le 29 mai 2015 à une Déclaration pour des écoles sûres internationale qui les engage à protéger l’éducation contre les attaques.

May 29, 2015
دولة تنضم إلى اتفاق المدارس الآمنة يحظر على أطراف النزاعات استخدام المواقع التعليمية

 دولة تنضم إلى اتفاق المدارس الآمنة يحظر على أطراف النزاعات استخدام المواقع التعليمية(أوسلو، 29 مايو/أيار 2015) – انضمت في 29 مايو/أيار 2015 37 دولة إلى إعلان دولي حول المدارس الآمنة، يُلزمها…

GCPEA Press Release , May 29, 2015
37 países inician proceso para proteger a escuelas y universidades durante conflictos

Un total de 37 países adhirieron el 29 de mayo de 2015 a una Declaración sobre Escuelas Seguras, de alcance internacional, por medio de la cual se comprometen a adoptar…

University World News, May 29, 2015
37 states agree to protect universities and schools in war

Thirty-seven states have signed a landmark international commitment to protect schools and universities from attack and military use during conflict. At a conference hosted by the Norwegian government and Norwegian…

BBC News, May 29, 2015
Campaign to stop attacks on schools

More than 30 countries have signed up for a Safe Schools Declaration in response to the deliberate targeting of education in war and terror attacks.It comes in the wake of…

HRW, May 26, 2015
Greece Can Convert Bunkers Back to Math Classes

This is the math class, and now this is not a class, this is a bunker of the army,” exclaims a young South Asian girl surveying a school classroom. In…

Human Rights Watch , May 21, 2015
Dispatches: Where is Asia on Safe Schools?

Next week, Norway will host an international summit focused on guaranteeing safe schools for children who live in countries affected by armed conflict.

The Irish Times, May 21, 2015
State urged to sign up to Safe Schools Declaration

The State is being urged to sign up to a global declaration on “safe schools” aimed at giving places of learning special protection from military use under international law.

Reuters, May 20, 2015
Teacher killed, 23 students wounded in mortar attack in Damascus – state media

A Syrian teacher was killed and 23 students were wounded when a mortar shell hit their school on Wednesday in the heart of Damascus, Syrian state media said.

GCPEA Press Release , May 12, 2015
Respect Civilian Nature of Schools and Universities

States should act to deter the military use of schools and universities, said the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) in a study released today. The use of…

GCPEA Press Release , May 12, 2015
Il faut respecter le caractère civil des écoles et des universités

(Genève, le 12 mai 2015) – Les États devraient agir pour empêcher l’utilisation militaire des écoles et des universités, a déclaré la Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA)…

GCPEA Press Release , May 12, 2015
Respetar el carácter civil de las escuelas y universidades

Enlace para ver video:, 12 de mayo de 2015) — Los Estados deberían actuar para disuadir el uso militar de escuelas y universidades, señaló la Coalición Global para Proteger…

GCPEA Press Release , May 12, 2015
يجب احترام الطبيعة المدنية للمدارس والجامعات

للاطلاع على الفيديو:صدرت اليوم إن على الدول أن تعمل على ردع الاستعمال العسكري للمدارس والجامعات. إن استخدام المدارس والجامعات في أغراض عسكرية أثناء النزاعات من قبل القوات المسلحة والجماعات…

CNN, May 8, 2015
12 seriously hurt in attack on northeast Nigeria school

By Aminu Abubakar, CNNKano, Nigeria (CNN) A gunman wearing a suicide bomb vest attacked a school in northeast Nigeria’s Yobe state Friday morning, leaving 12 people seriously injured and the attacker…

Pakistan Today, May 6, 2015
Two killed, 10 injured in Kurram school attack

Two people died while 10 others were injured when unidentified gunmen hurled hand grenades and fired shots at people watching a football match in Alizai School in Kurram Agency on…

A World at School , May 5, 2015
Barrel bombing of Syrian schools condemned by human rights groups

A barrel bomb is packed with explosives, fuel and metal fragments and is dropped out of the sky from a plane or helicopter. When it hits, it causes devastation to…

The Guardian , April 30, 2015
Targets for terror: the shocking data on school and university attacks

The horrors of the Peshawar school killings made headlines but, as the graphs below show, from Iraq to India children and teachers live under threat

Reuters, April 30, 2015
Ten jailed in Pakistan for involvement in attack on Malala

 A Pakistani court jailed 10 men for 25 years each on Thursday for involvement in the 2012 shooting of teenage activist Malala Yousafzai, targeted for her campaign against Taliban efforts…

Indianapolis Star, April 29, 2015
Protect scholars in fight against terrorism

Just two weeks after Al-Shabab’s horrific attack at Garissa University in Northeast Kenya, which left an entire university community destroyed, the Somalian based terrorist group continues its bloody assault.